W. David O. Taylor
W. David O. Taylor

David Taylor was a pastor at Hope Chapel in Austin, Texas, where over the course of twelve years he supervised an arts ministry and the adult education program in addition to serving on the preaching team. Born and raised in Guatemala City, he studied at the University of Texas (Plan II and International Relations), Georgetown University, the University of Würzburg and Regent College in Canada, where he received degrees in theology (MCS) and biblical studies (ThM).

In 2010 he edited the book For the Beauty of the Church: Casting a Vision for the Arts (Baker Books), which includes contributions from Eugene Peterson, Andy Crouch, Lauren Winner, Jeremy Begbie, Barbara Nicolosi, John Witvliet and Joshua Banner. He has written articles for Books & Culture, CIVA Seen, Christianity Today, Q, Comment magazine, The Living Church and The Christian Vision Project.

His artistic interests include playwriting, modern dance and film. He and his wife Phaedra currently live in Durham, NC, where he pursues doctoral studies in theology and the arts at Duke Divinity School (under Jeremy Begbie and Lester Ruth's supervision), while she pursues the vocation of gardener, cook and visual artist.

He blogs at Diary of An Arts Pastor.

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Moving Images, Violence, and Social Responsibility

In short, what would it look like to conceive of the artist not in opposition to society, not as an outsider at odds with society, but rather in fellowship with those who bear with and for the well-being of the artist, without any softening of the irritating contours of good works of art?

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