Michael Paulus
Michael Paulus

Michael J. Paulus, Jr., is University Librarian and Associate Professor at Seattle Pacific University. He holds graduate degrees in divinity (Princeton) and library science (Rutgers), and regularly presents and publishes on historical and library topics. He lives in Seattle, Wash., with his wife and two daughters.

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The Apocalypse of Seveneves

One should approach Neal Stephenson’s book as one would an ancient apocalypse: with an incredible hope for a beginning in an end.

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The Wisdom of The Circle

In The Circle Dave Eggers reveals how present technological advances might be used in efforts to transcend current limits of what we know, what we hope for, what we must do, and what it means to be a human being.

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Defending My Library

Like books, libraries are both means and metaphors for knowledge: they reveal and represent to us what was, what is, and what is to come.

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