Concept for some pieces of art
By Lauri Moyle Posted in Poetry on June 17, 2016 0 Comments 1 min read
FROM THE ARCHIVE: <i>The Great Railway Bazaar</i> Previous FROM THE ARCHIVE: Renewing the Dialect of the Tribe Next

First piece

A red telephone box, in a library
In the box a cell phone

Second piece

A telephone box made of cell phones, in a library
In the box a telegraph machine

Third piece

Two telephone boxes in a library, far apart
In each box a baby monitor

Fourth piece

A library full of books containing pictures of peoples’ faces

Fifth piece

A red telephone box, in a library
In the box a telegram
On the telegram a message:
“What hath God wrought?”

Sixth piece

A large telephone box, in a library
In the box a donkey

Featured image: Braunschweig University of Art Library

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