Jessica Purdy
Jessica Purdy

Jessica Purdy holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in many journals including Lily Poetry Review, Muddy River, Dream Pop, One Art, Hole in the Head Review, Museum of Americana, Gargoyle, The Ekphrastic Review, and SurVision. Her books STARLAND and Sleep in a Strange House were both released by Nixes Mate in 2017 and 2018. Sleep in a Strange House was a finalist for the NH Literary Award for poetry. She is poetry editor for the upcoming anthology, Ten Piscataqua Writers: Follow her on Twitter @JessicaPurdy123 and her website:

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Woodman’s Shack

—Deceased: Wilby Jenks. Questioned: Homer Cregg & Carl Stebbiens, her roommates. Reported Thursday, February 8, 1945

Stained wood with knots chosen for their size construct the shack. Trash has been thrown about: a broken chair, empty liquor bottles, a box labeled Campbell’s Tomato Soup, filled with cartons of Kellogg’s. An open loaf of bread drying out on the table next to a kerosene lamp. The occupants have evidently been day drinking. […]

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